How to find replica Shop Givenchy Clothing Hoodies 2023 Replica Wholesale Cheap Sales Online Black White Embroidery Cotton Hooded Top

GVC flocked letter hooded sweatshirt
The fabric is made of 450g custom-dyed pure cotton terry fabric, the top fabric is tight and clean, the stripes are clear, the unique texture is strong, the bottom texture is clear and neat, and the feel is crisp The bottom surface of the comfortable and smooth fish scales is made of a combination of flat needle thread and terry coils with elongated sinking arcs. It feels soft and has outstanding stretchability, elasticity, wrinkle resistance, warmth, and water absorption
Three-dimensional towel embroidery technology chest towel embroidery It is an effect of three-dimensional embroidery, just like a piece of terry cloth. It feels soft to the touch. Adjust the curvature of the curve according to the original reference. Each letter clearly restores the spacing curve. Combined with complex embroidery needlework, fine detail processing, the wool itself is thick and soft. After embroidery, The craftsmanship is to use wool on the chapter to create a protruding embroidery effect
After embroidering the garment, it is fried and sanded to make it old. After printing, the garment is printed and fried, and the garment is made by a new environmentally friendly process, transfection, dyeing and washing. Water distressing is done by dyeing and processing the fabric through stone grinding. The finished garment is continuously immersed in the dye and rolled, so that the dyed fabric will have a certain amount of white on the edge of the color. After frying the sand, the fabric will turn slightly white and change the color of the original fabric, showing different shades of light and dark. The nostalgic color
With threads, dyed in the same vat, no color difference and not easy to deform
Standardly equipped with three-standard accessories, new custom wash water mark, new square main vein combination brand inner card book
Size: XS-S-M-L
Style number: 73001
Color: washed black
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